Invitation and wrapup from Allen Kinsel.


Its the first week of June and for those of us living along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts of the US, that brings the beginning of hurricane season. It also means its time for this months installment of T-SQL Tuesday.

This Months Topic

Hurricane Ike dead aheadThere goes your weekend/month

Disaster Recovery. This topic is very near and dear to me based on the fact that I live on a barrier island that was the site to the deadliest natural disaster in US history and more recently destroyed by the third costliest hurricane in history. Needless to say preparing for disasters is nearly instinctive to me which might explain why I’m a DBA but I digress. Anything you’d like to blog about related to preparing for or recovering from a disaster would be fair game, have a great tip you use to keep backups and recovers running smoothly, a horrific story of recovery gone wrong? or anything else related to keeping your systems online during calamity. We want to hear it!