Invitation from Aaron Nelson.

I’m excited to be hosting this month’s T-SQL Tuesday. This month we’re talking about logging. Logging comes in many form and fashions. If you think about it, when you go to the grocery store with at big list, Do you put the items in the cart and then check them off the list? If so, isn’t that a kind of write-ahead log?

I point that out because I don’t want anyone to constrain themselves to talking about logging within just SQL Server. Please bring your ideas for file transfers, report generating, performance gathering, uptime monitoring and the like. But don’t stop there! This is an open invite to anyone that does anything in the SQL Server community.

If Karla Landrum ( blog / twitter ) wants to explain to us how on Earth she keeps track of all these SQL Saturdays around the world, that’s logging! If Tim Radney ( blog / twitter ) wants to tell us how he makes sure he keeps in touch with all of the chapters he’s responsible for as a PASS Regional Mentor, that’s logging!

How you keep track of blog ideas, white papers you read, or however it is you life-hack *your* SQL world: please share it with us!