Invitation and roundup from Sebastian Meine.

This time the T-SQL Tuesday topic is: Passwords. Anything that you can think of, that has to do with or is related to passwords is a welcome topic. To give you a few ideas about what you could write, I compiled a short list of possible topics: - [How do you pick a good password?]( - How do you remember all your passwords? - Tell a password story or [draw a cartoon]( - [Did a password once change your life?]( Those topics are not really SQL Server related, so you might argue that they do not fit a T-SQL Tuesday. I think that they still would make valuable posts, but in case, you want to play it “closer to home”, here are a few more ideas: - How do you manage all the SA and application passwords in your organization? - [How do you or should you store passwords in your database?]( - [How do you enforce password hygiene for SQL Logins in your environment?]( - Did you once write an application (or procedure) that made use of the password hashes in [sys.sql\_logins]( And, if you still think that “passwords” is not a fitting topic for T-SQL Tuesday, write about why you think so.