Invitation and roundup from Aaron Bertrand.

Aaron is offering a choice.

Behind door #1:

In the spirit of my revelations about still being a hockey card nerd after all these years, and after seeing Drew Furgiuele’s great post on #sqlibirum, I would love to hear about something you are passionate about, outside of the SQL Server or tech community. Bonus points if it’s a passion that might surprise the rest of us. Play the Zeusaphone? Forge Samurai swords? Coach a chess boxer or extreme ironer? Maybe you dabble in toilet seat art? Tell me about it! Show me proof! If you choose door #1, I hope your post is full of pictures or other media, and not just a wall of text. Let’s keep it PG, though, OK?## Behind door #2:

Since many of you might be uncomfortable talking about your non-technical passions, I’ll give you an escape pod back to the more familiar. I have a long laundry list of T-SQL bad habits (there’s a big index here). What’s your favorite one? Which one do you disagree with most vehemently? What bad habits are missing from my list? This is not entrapment; I promise I’m not going to bait you into writing something just so I can argue with you. I’m really interested in reading your opinions and, also, to have more material I can point to when I talk about bad habits and/or best practices.