Invitation and roundup from Jen McCown.

Hold on! I already hear some of you shouting, “Boooooring!!!” You don’t have to write a file and filegroup primer, if you don’t want to. Get creative, get tangential! Some of my suggestions:

  • Maybe you’d like to talk about partitioning indexes or tables across filegroups
  • Or performance benefits (still!) of assigning tables to specific drives, via filegroups
  • Or FILESTREAM, specifically (hey, that’s something that requires a specialized filegroup!)
  • Or some horrible misuse of filegroups you’ve seen once (we always love a SQL horror story)
  • Or, if you have a mind, a file and filegroup backup/restore primer! (Why not? I’m not the only one who loves basics.)

So talk to us, tell us all of your file and filegroup lore!